A Plan to Reduce Recidivism
The Genesis of the book, Slaying the Dragon – The Journey from the Dungeon to the Ivory Tower was inspired after I had written a Memorandum, which focused on a genuine solution to reducing recidivism to its lowest possible level.
The Lords of the Dragon Memorandum took roughly a year to write, which included the compilation of a plethora of statistics. The Memorandum was first published during 2004, and was updated during the summers of 2014 and 2021.
What was most interesting with the 2014 and 2021 updates, is that despite spending into the trillions of dollars in our state and federal correctional institutions, the recidivism statistics experienced little or no change, and in many cases, the recidivism rates increased. I would attribute those increases to state budget cuts, as corrections and rehabilitation is among the top budgetary line items for many states.
The Lords of the Dragon Memorandum / Program is available for free by clicking on the Memorandum image below. The Memorandum is written to solve systemic problems and is investor centric. However, the book I authored, Slaying the Dragon – The Journey from the Dungeon to the Ivory Tower is geared toward each individual, and is written very much as though I wrote a personal letter directly to a friend. …a rather long and in-depth letter to get their life on track and moving in a healthy and productive direction.
- Dave Koch